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You've waited for it, now it's here! FROZEN STIFF is live on all half-decent ebook retailers. Print and Audio coming soon. Grab your copy...
Frozen Stiff - Chapter 6
<unedited> Chapter 6 Despite their differences in stature, Agent Martinez was at least six inches taller and sixty pounds heavier than...
Frozen Stiff - Chapter 5
<unedited> Chapter 5 Girdwood, Municipality of Anchorage, Alaska. Chase had never heard of the place before today, but quickly learned...

Frozen Stiff - Chapter 4
Just finishing up the final edits! No more delays, promise. The good news is that you guys get more free chapters. And in case you didn't...
Frozen Stiff - Chapter 3
<unedited> Chapter 3 “Ma’am?” a hand shook her shoulder. “Ma’am? You okay?” Chase opened her eyes, and then startled, confused by her...
Frozen Stiff - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 “There are no direct flights from JFK to Anchorage,” the sulking woman at the flight desk informed Chase, “Your connection is...
PART I - Trying to Walk TWO WEEKS AGO Chapter 1 Chase eyed the man in the driver seat sporting aviator sunglasses that were too big even...

Frozen Stiff is almost here!
Some foolish scheduling conflicts pushed Frozen Stiff: A Chase Adams FBI Thriller back a few weeks, but the release date is almost upon...
Download Murder Snippet #4
We're getting close now... just three more days... <unedited> Chapter 4 Beckett felt like he was dreaming. In fact, everything that had...

Download Murder Snippet #3
Missed a day, so shoot me. Putting the finishing touches on the book. Have to admit, it's probably my favorite Drake novelto date. Shit...
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